Monday, January 3, 2011

Drawing A Day 3

As an artist,  I am constantly collecting images in my "hard drive" and when I get a chance to put them on "paper", it always amazes me that I recognize the subject matter. These four portraits belong to a series of memories while people watching at the airport. 
The idea of drawing on my laptop came to me for two reasons, I can carry it with me when I travel and there would not be any more paintings to store. With over 365 paintings on canvases and paper in my studio storage, I was considering not making art any more. Over the years I have made performance art, conceptual art, murals and collaborations. And there has always been concrete documentation to save. It is so freeing, drawing on the computer. The drawings are stored so easily. And if someone wants to own it then I can have it printed and shipped. This process, although filled with new challenges, gives me ease. 


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