Monday, January 31, 2011

Drawing A Day 31

My Super Hero
Everyone needs someone with special powers to help get them through the rough patches. I'm creating a little set of realistic super hero's for my life. A fun challenge, what would yours look like? What special powers would they need??
Be Creative. Feel Better.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Drawing A Day 30

My Living Room Chair
I love this chair, given to me by my good friends Beth and David, many years ago. It's the cozy spot for reading or blogging! The sun is finally showing up and blue skies are speckled with puffy clouds. 
Be Creative. Feel Better. 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Drawing A Day 29

I can tell I've hit my stride when I start making drawings of musicians. This is one of my very favorite instruments and the deep sounds seem to connect with my energy. I know the first time I drew musicians was at the Library of Congress, chamber music concerts. My Dad used to wait in line at Olssen's Bookstore downtown early in the morning on his way to work to get 4 free tickets and pay a twenty-five cent service fee. Once he got to work, he'd call my Mom,  and we'd drive into town later that evening and meet him at the Library. We saw some amazing concerts and I always had my sketch book with me. I hope the scratchings were not irritating to any of the other audience members!! 
Be Creative. Feel Better. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Drawing A Day 28

Bedroom Study with Nude
New technique discovered this morning, by making a drawing and then cutting and pasting a former drawing into the new one. Weird how easy and obvious this is now that I've done it once. Kind of cheap too. But I'm not going to let that stop me from using it when I feel it works. Can you find the clip art?? Of course, it's the nude painting above the bed! Try something new today and let me know how it works out. 
Be Creative. Feel Better. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Drawing A Day 27

Yellow Rose
Snowed in for the morning. Drawing on images from warmer days. Miss having fresh flowers to pick from the garden, so I recreate them in this two D format. 
Be Creative. Feel Better.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Drawing A Day 26

The River Bed

Research continues to prove that taking time during your busy work day to eat lunch or go for a walk or make art improves productivity and enjoyment levels. Join me for a Free Workshop today at Iona with Artist in Residence, Liz Wolf. Learn about her technique, try it out and tour the exhibit. Bring your own lunch 12:30 pm. 
Be Creative. Feel Better.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Drawing A Day 25

Fifteen years ago, I began working with elders and their caregivers in nursing homes and day health centers. 50 paintings later I created a series of portraits that I call "Who Cares". These paintings along with conceptual curriculum will become a traveling exhibition to honor and bring attention to this occupation that is often ignored. 

There are many styles of healing going on in this world; distance, cellular, hands-on, energy work, making art, talking, and on and on. And for those who care the healing is often under supported. Please read through the wonderful programs that Iona Senior Services provides for caregivers and join the supportive energy at

Be Creative. Feel Better.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Drawing A Day 24

Some days it is hard to see the separation between the sky and the sea. 
Read that Liz Lerman is stepping down from directing Dance Exchange. My hat's off to her for 35 years of creative movement through Dance Exchange and wish her 35 more of discovery and creative energy. 
Be creative. Feel Better. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Drawing A Day 23

Gayle Friedman, a remarkable jeweler in DC,, hosted an informal session with Krishna Gurung, who directs and lives in a village with needs for medical care, sustainable farming, housing and many other basic services. He's a one man NGO making a difference in many lives. Check out his web site He is introducing creative jewelry making as a way to help the village maintain sustainability and offers an opportunity to travel to Nepal and help the people of a small village. Always good to see the world through other lenses. 
Off to restorative yoga with Geri Smith in Kentlands. Heat up my chi for the day and feel the ease when my mind is emptied and breath fills the spaces. AAAAH.
Be Creative. Feel Better.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Drawing A Day 22

One of my most important tasks, in this lifetime, is to honor the national treasury of older artists in our culture. Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting with Joan Jeffri, Director of the the Program in Arts Administration and Research Center for Arts and Culture at Teachers College, Columbia University. She is moving forward on her project to help elder artists document their artwork and plan for the arts future among our cultural cache. I look forward to working with her as she launches the project from DC to the Nation. Here'a a little teaser from her research center: 
The RCAC's recent study, Above Ground: Information on Artists III: Special Focus New York City Aging Artists, revealed that artists are in many respects a model for society, maintaining strong social networks and an astonishing resilience as they age. Yet 61% of professional visual artists age 62+ have made no preparation for their work after their death; 95% have not archived their work; 97% have no estate plan; 3 out of every 4 artists have no will and 1 in 5 have no documentation of their work at all.

Be Creative. Feel Better

Friday, January 21, 2011

Drawing A Day 21

Self Portrait as Eve
I started drawing people and learned my subject through life drawing classes and sketching at cafes. Somehow, although I love landscapes and seascapes, my hand naturally comes back to the figure. In my studio I create larger than life size images so it feels odd to be drawing these figures with just the pad of my index finger. I'm used to a full arm movement to create a hip.
I have been receiving some wonderful drawings and written responses to this blog process. Thank you!! 
Be Creative. Feel Better. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Drawing A Day 20

Good Morning World. A beautiful sunrise with the full moon rising against a grey blue sky. Lines of red behind leafless tree limbs. If I have to be up this early at least I get to see a great earth show.
Be Creative. Feel Better. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Drawing A Day 19

Have you ever seen the sunset over the Potomac River between those big Sycamore trees that line it's bank? Gorgeous how the light evolves into a limited palette of colors. 
Be Creative. Feel Better. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Drawing A Day 18

This is where I'd rather be this morning; Sunny beach. But alas, it's a winter day in Rockville! Schools shut down because the roads are iced over. Good day to catch up on lots of little creative projects, have cups of tea, make bread or cupcakes and listen to music. 
Had the pleasure of reading a great e-mail this morning from my friend Daphne White and her experiences in India using healing energy to do service.  Please visit her website and spread the joy.
Be Creative. Feel Better. 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Drawing A Day 17

Portrait with cat. Enjoy.
Be Creative. Feel Better.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Drawing A Day 15

Drawing in the dark. Cast shadows against the mighty tree trunks with just a hint of where the horizon line separates the sky from the land. A place that is so peaceful.
Be Creative. Feel Better.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Drawing A Day 15

Back at the shore and loving the sunshine and peace. 

Be Creative. Feel Better.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Drawing A Day 14

I love the sky as the sun is setting and how the colors of trees and grass take on a different hue. I think the frigid temperatures must have something to do with this phenomena.

I had the pleasure of seeing a three person exhibition, at the American Center for Physics in College Park, MD. with the sculptor, Minna Nathanson.  She is showing a wonderful collection of 16 sculptures using a variety of metals and  plastics. Joining us on the adventure was sculptor, Marilee Asher. Marilee just closed her exhibit at The Gallery at Iona last week.  I loved being with these two remarkable artists and learning more about the process and possibilities of making 3 D art. We were warmly welcomed by Eva Adams the Chair of the Art Committee at ACP. It's a bit out of the way of my usual travels, but well worth the visit. A new exhibition is planned for the spring. Shows are curated by Sarah Tanguy. 
Be Creative. Feel Better.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Drawing A Day 13

Pitch black when I awake. Letting go with my drawing. Renewing my energy.
Be Creative. Feel Better. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Drawing A Day 12

Self portrait. Early Morning. Without looking in a mirror.

Be Creative. Feel Better.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Drawing A Day 11

Caught up with an old friend. It's that time of year to reconnect. Reminded me of the times he would go fishing off the North Carolina coast. I made him a boat to use and a flowing river with a beautiful forest bank. I realized I could create these images for my friends and send them out. Share the good feeling of being creative and the good feeling of showing appreciation. 
Be Creative. Feel Better.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Drawing A Day 10

Sketching out my East facing window. My neighbors roof top, the big old walnut tree and the white sky that looms pregnant with the possibility of snow. 
Saw an amazing new play this weekend, "Let Me Down Easy", by Anna Deavere Smith. She interviewed dozens of people asking them about health care, from Lance Armstrong to a bull rider. Her performance was stunning, engaging and stimulating. Now playing at Arena Stage through Feb. 13. 
Looking at art, making art, listening to art/music/poetry/storytelling improves your physical and mental well being. What have you been up to?? 
Be Creative. Feel Better. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Drawing A Day 9

The sun is so bright today I just want the temperature to rise to the 70's and go for a bike ride on the canal. The City of Rockville turned 150 years and they have a bike challenge to ride 150 miles. So I'm going to do that in bits and pieces along the C & O canal tow path. Being in the green for a couple hours every week and having nature images to use for my drawings. A double dose of healing. 
Be creative. Feel better. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Drawing A Day 8

A few mornings of dusting snow inspires me to do landscape studies out my house windows. Using the window to create a natural compositional frame. Living in an old neighborhood with various housing designs makes for days of creative drawings.
Be creative. Feel Better.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Drawing A Day 7

This portrait is most like drawing with oil stick and paint. I feel like I've got a handle on the new media software, bending it to my authentic style. Still working on the ease of blogging. Suggestions welcome. 
Feel Better. Be Creative.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Drawing A Day 6

I've never been one to draw within the coloring book lines, but using a free hand technique to make the lines and then the fill color is fun and gives this stained glass effect. The naked tree branches flowing off the path, the winter grays create a surprisingly chilly feeling. 
Today I will close a sculpture exhibition at the Gallery at Iona, where I curate and direct cultural events. The sculptor, Marilee Shapiro, 98 years young, will be lecturing today for a life long learning program. I look forward to hearing her speak about being an artist for almost a century. You can see a sample of her work on the website. Yesterday, I closed the photography exhibition; over 70 pieces ranging from crashing water on Great Falls to fall cherry blossom scenes on the Potomac River. I will miss Lee Goodwin's photo's, too. Closing shows is so bitter sweet. Each artist in residence becomes part of the Iona family and after four months of enjoying their artwork, it's tough to see it go. But next week two new artists work will be installed and the love fest will go on!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Drawing A Day 5

Sometimes I like to go back to the basics and draw plants. When I was an art student, I would spend hours drawing a leaf, or a flower. Now in this early morning ritual, I have moments to capture what I observe. One of these days I'll get the time to spend hours again on the details. 
Be creative. Feel Better.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Drawing A Day 4

It's time to head back to the land of oaks and maples. Drawing the palms against blue skies this morning as a way of remembering this warmth on a January morning. Planning future escapes from the cold to get back here. 
I'm learning to use the drawing tool and then the fill with color tool. Change the colors in the seemingly limitless palette and play with texture. I sometimes feel like I'm back in kindergarten with a brand new box of crayons.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Drawing A Day 3

As an artist,  I am constantly collecting images in my "hard drive" and when I get a chance to put them on "paper", it always amazes me that I recognize the subject matter. These four portraits belong to a series of memories while people watching at the airport. 
The idea of drawing on my laptop came to me for two reasons, I can carry it with me when I travel and there would not be any more paintings to store. With over 365 paintings on canvases and paper in my studio storage, I was considering not making art any more. Over the years I have made performance art, conceptual art, murals and collaborations. And there has always been concrete documentation to save. It is so freeing, drawing on the computer. The drawings are stored so easily. And if someone wants to own it then I can have it printed and shipped. This process, although filled with new challenges, gives me ease. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2 Road the bicycle to the beach and did some yoga!

Getting started using the software that came with my laptop; microsoft paint. Simple really. But even in this limited application there are so many choices. I'm used to making paintings with full arm motions, my figures often end up bigger than life size. Never was very good at drawing within the lines, so I am experimenting with the size of the frame too. For a look at my bigger paintings you can visit my website  I look forward to seeing drawings that you all make as well. The possibilities are endless. Be creative. Feel better.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Drawing A Day

I am determined to start this blog on the first day of this new year. It's a new format for me and part of my life journey is being open to learning new things. I'm open to your suggestions and support on this new adventure. My goal is to encourage readers to make art and feel better. I plan to give you lots of encouragement to find your artistic muse and embrace it as a healing modality. Every day I will post a new drawing and explain a bit more about how I learned about making art and feeling better. Enjoy and be creative.